
Bush Mongolia Visit

The first video footage comes from a blog , but both Reuters and AP have pictures up already, one in the Laura Bush picture gallery and the other in a Iraq war gallery. That's all that seems to matter. But impressive how fast they get it out on the web (see also previous post).

The Headlines
The headlines in Google and Yahoo: are quite clear:
Bush thanks Mongolia for its help in Iraq, Bush thanks Mongolia for support in Iraq, Bush thanks Mongolia for Iraq presence, Bush to thank new ally Mongolia for Iraq help etc.

One headline stands out: "Mongolia: Moving Mountains" And it appears to be a Washington Post article written by the current prime minister of Mongolia Ts. Elbegdorj. The article is maybe not as outstanding as the title, though.



At Tue Nov 22, 03:49:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Honorable Elbegdorj's article is the best and most sincere I've seen of those penned lately on Mongolia.

At Tue Dec 06, 02:44:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "shedding of a communist yoke?" As I remember Mongolia chose the path of communism in order to establish it's independence and pursue economic development. It was not imposed by some external force by any means.

At Fri Dec 09, 07:03:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I was not there to witness the transition, for some reason, I believe the genocide of tens of thousands of Buddhist monks and dissentors may have been interpreted by those present as a communist yoke. In my understanding of history, Mongolia didn't have much choice other than conforming to their Russian "friends" to the north. The whole reason they needed the Russians was to overcome their Chinese oppressors to the south. It seems it was a choice of the better of two evils. Mongolians spent centuries warring with the Chinese, so cozying up to the Russians for once may have seemed like a good idea until the genocides began.


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