
Pictures: Official Ceremony at Bakula Rimpoche Monastery

On Friday September 30th a ceremony was held at Pethub Monastery, better known as Bakula Rimpoche Monastery, in Ulaanbaatar. President Nambar Enkhbayar attended and visited the newly erected Namgyal Stupa, the eight golden Desheg Stupas and a new statue of Bakula Rimpoche, all created by Ven. Purevbat.

A monk looks at the new statue of Bakula Rimpoche, while people line up to venerate.

A monk looks at the new statue of Bakula Rimpoche, while people line up to venerate.

Ven. Lama Purevbat explains to president Enkhbayar and his spouse Mrs. Tsolmon

Ven. Lama Purevbat explains to president Enkhbayar and his spouse Mrs. Tsolmon

A crowd at Pethub Monastery awaits the ceremony

A crowd at Pethub Monastery awaits the ceremony


Shangri-La Hotel Mongolia: Construction starts

Shangri La Hotel Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Plan
The hotel chain Shangri-La is coming to Mongolia. It was announced somewhere last year, and that might be good news for Mongolia. But, the bad news is where and how it will be build. See image on the right. The construction has recently started next to the opera building at the Sukhbaatar square. Although Chris Miller informed us of a more amusing feature of the hotel, the location and the huge size make it hard to see this a contribution to Ulaanbaatar.

The press release reads:

A joint venture between Shangri-La Asia Limited and MCS Holding, Mongolia, the 190-room hotel will be a part of an office, retail and hotel complex, which is located at the east side of the Sukhe-Bator Square, between the City Theatre and Peace Avenue, in the centre of Ulaanbaatar city.

construtruction shangri la hotel
Construction work has started

shangri la hotel in comparison with the opera building
The Shangri-La Hotel in comparison to the Opera building


Mongolia Film Festival in Paris

From October 19th to 23rd the Ethnographic Film Committee and CNRS Images organise the Mongolian Compared Gazes Film Festival from Steppe to the City Nomadism and Shamanism. These "Compared Gazes" involve themes like the New Economy, Music, Buddhist Revival, Nomadism and more.

See also the UB Post

Ulaanbaatar Satellite Image - Google Earth

Ulaanbaatar Satellite Image - Google Earth

This is what Google Earth makes of Ulaanbaatar. Click on the image to see a larger overview.

On the map you will find indicated: the State Department Store (Ikh Delguur), Sukhbaatar Square and Gandan(tegchenling) Monastery. Although there is room for improvement - it is quite amazing how searchable the world has become.

See update
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on Google Earth/Maps - Improved Satellite image



Definition of Taxable Income of a Private Cattle-breeder

Personal Income Tax Law of Mongolia: "

Taxable income of a citizen from livestock production, who has private cattle's is defined by shifting herds of livestock to cattle herd.

A cow, a horse, a camel is each equal to a cattle herd; and 9 goats and 7 sheeps are equal to a cattle herd."


Photo Gallery of Mongolian Elections

Iwan Baan - a Dutch photographer - was the only journalist to have full access to the presidential election campaign this year. His images give an amazing look inside the whole process: from the campaign with military bands and a ger on top of the party building, to the remote voters and the black mark on the finger, until the cheers and balloons of victory.
His website features also intriguing pictures of a Mongolian chopsticks factory, the tough life of illegal ninja miners and Russians: the ones that were left behind.

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