
North Korean Embassy Censored Air Conditioning

North Korean Embassy Censored Air ConditioningIt is a bit a crappy mobile picture, but those with good eyes might be able to distinguish the North Korean state emblem on this wall of their embassy in Ulaanbaatar (clcik on the image for a larger size). But the interesting thing in this picture is the box below. Yep the airco. Nothing special right. Well, look again. This bright square there is where the branding used to be. But the embassy decided to painting it over. Why? The manufacturer is South Korean LG. Of course they are too proud to have a symbol of South Korean kapitalism on their walls.


Mongolia 3rd in Olympic medal count

That's an unexpected number. So what About the US, China, UK? Well they do really well, but if you translate the number of medals to the population of the country, they are nowhere to be seen in the top 10. That is the conclusion that the La Times draws. Their Top 10 of medals per capita is as follows:

1. Armenia (4) - 742,147
2. Australia (16) - 1,287,554
3. Mongolia (2) - 1,498,041
4. Georgia (3) - 1,543,614
5. Switzerland (4) - 1,895,380
6. Cuba (6) - 1,903,992
7. Slovenia (1) - 2,007,711
8. Azerbaijan (4) - 2,044,429
9. The Netherlands (7) - 2,377,902
10. Hungary (4) - 2,482,729
No over billion Chinese that can change a thing about that. Reminds that India must be at the very bottom of this list. They might be very proud on their gold, but one medal on a billion is ultimately not al that impressive


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