
Culture: Premiere of a new Mongolian ballet

Arts Council of Mongolia
The Arts Council Of Mongolia announces in their monthly newsletter:

The Opera and Ballet Theater has added a new ballet The story of Choijid dakini on October 29. Choreographed by D.Jamiyandagva, one of the most talented and experienced choreographer of the Opera and Ballet Theater, this ballet is a mixture of modern and classic techniques. The story behind is about Choijid dagini’s journey to hell and she tells people about the consequences of living good or bad life after her comeback from hell. Both idea and composition of this new ballet will be extremely interesting, thus join the performance and enjoy.

Premiere of Story of Choijid dakini, a new Mongolian ballet
Opera and Ballet Theater
October 29, 2005
Tickets available at the Opera and Ballet Theater ticket office, 322854.


Mormons in Mongolia

mormon near a mongol ger
Thanks to Howard M. Friedman I stumbled into this article in the Salt Lake Tribune - probably not a coincidence - giving an impression of missionaries in Mongolia. The probably largest mission belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Mormons. They bring in groups of young people often excellently trained in Mongolian language.

As Friedman observes dryly:
Mormons are particularly visible as they travel from house to house.

But also a growing group of Korean missionairies are active in Mongolia. They organise big seminars and build churches in the ger areas. Also, they are said to give money or other insentives to the attendees.

These missionairies are not always welcomed with open arms. Although Mongolia has a long tradition of religious tolerance - dating back to Chinggis Khaan -, many people disaprove of the aggresive methods of some of there missionairy groups.

An interesting perspective mentioned in the Salt Lake Tribune article comes from outside of the city:
''We have been Buddhist all along,'' said Megmar, a sheep herder. ''The younger people are interested in Christianity because they like to be together and one friend brings another friend. I think Buddhism is enough for me.''

One of the young Mormon missionaries is keeping a blog on his whereabouts

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