
Mr. President: Why Mongolia?

New Mongols ask an interesting question, and actually get an answer. Why does George Bush come to Mongolia? The answer, however, is not all that revealing.

I heard the joke that he is jealous at Rumsfeld for getting a horse, and wants one too. A more serious rumor I heard is that he might promise import tax exemptions for Mongolia, what could potentially mean a boost for the Mongolian economy. The return favor being most probably continued support in Iraq, because the official statement doesn't make much of a secret about that being the most important topic.

Meanwhile the preparations are going on. Around 150 members of staff came from the US, taking over the Khan Palace Hotel and settling there for five weeks, to organize a visit of a couple of hours. There is hardly any information on what the programme will be. The revelation of a ger visit in the White House answer is for now the only official notification.

UPDATE: Programme
The Programme does not make mention of any ger visit - or it should be the ceremonial ger in the government house garden
In Mongolia, the President and Mrs. Bush will be greeted with an arrival ceremony at Government House, and then the President will meet with the President of Mongolia, and following that, with the Prime Minister.
That afternoon, the President will deliver remarks at Mongolian Government House. And following those remarks, the President and Mrs. Bush will visit Ikh Tenger and then participate in an embassy event at the airport. They will then depart en route Andrews Air Force Base.

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